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Why are your tax dollars going to subsidize oil companies?

Posted on Oct 1, 2012

Clearly our politicians care more about their corporate sponsors than us seemingly powerless voters. Why else would they continue for decade after decade to funnel our tax dollars into the fossil fuel industry? More than trillions of dollars of our money has gone to keep our corporate masters in the oil industry the most profitable and powerful in the world for much of the past 100 years. Surely by any common sense of justice this is criminal. Now, as we watch each day as every life system on earth declines, much of it attributable to the dumping of fossil fuel carbon into our shared atmosphere, it is insanity for this to continue. The closest thing to this sort of madness in recent times was our addiction to smoking cigarettes, long after we knew it was killing us. Our addiction to oil along with the far greater health impacts, and far larger subsidies, make this the most confounding insanities in human history.

Our only hope is that these young people can make their parents in politics and business listen. Time is running out. You owe it to yourself to find out more about this simple idea.


"The economic and climate crises we are facing have the same roots — the relentless drive to put short-term economic profits over the interests of our communities and the environment. We can find joint solutions to the climate and economic crisis: by reining in corporate power and its undue influence over our political process, by reviving and strengthening our public sphere, by localizing our economies and our food system. Such long term solutions and alternatives will safeguard our communities and our environment." - see the PowerShift web site for more information.
